Photography workshops

May 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th

Visionado Revelat 2022

Photographic Walk

We will discover meaningful places in Vilassar guided by Arnau Saborit, and we will end the tour at the Sala Losdijck exhibition. Free workshop.

Visionado Revelat 2022

Workshop/Demo Cyanotype

A free workshop where each participant will be able to experiment with light and different plants, following the style of Anna Atkins, the first woman to create a photobook.

Visionado Revelat 2022

Introduction to Lab (I and II)

Two workshops, on different days, each spanning two days. The first one focusing on portrait photography with Salvador Alsina, and the second one on landscape photography with Santos Montes. Free Workshop, separate material.
Visionado Revelat 2022

Party or Drama

We will work with the Can Grapes collective on the Fanzine format as another creative tool, focusing on storytelling through images, collective creation, and editing of the printed format.

Photo & Mindfulness

Our attention is a scarce resource due to constant distractions. Photography is a powerful tool that demands full concentration. A workshop with Nacho Rivera.

Visionado Revelat 2022


A workshop in English, with Oliver Pera, where you will explore the world of lithographic printing, using various types of paper and developer, and factors that affect the contrast and color.

Visionado Revelat 2022

Portrait & other photos

A workshop with Eduardo Momeñe, to explore the process of creating studio portraits, our space of photographic creation, focusing on building meaningful images.

Visionado Revelat 2022

C.O. Fascination

A workshop in English, with ChristianO Weigang, about the process of obtaining images with Camera Obscura, the foundation of all analog photographic processes.

Camiseta Revela'T 2023 Edicion Limitada2

Portrait Workshop

The portrait is one of the most complex genres of photography, involving mastery of light, composition, and the personal interaction with the subject being photographed. Led by Estela de Castro.

Do you have any more questions? Contact us at
All the sponsors With the support of: