Revela’t 2015: Third time lucky
Let’s be Positive, a phrase that exemplified our optimism, and with such a fantastic first and second, for this third edition we had to overcome. And so we did.
We organized 50 exhibitions and, last but not least, another 50 micro exhibitions that could be seen in the shops of Vilassar. Something that we will not forget and that we want to repeat again!
A section was also introduced as a novelty where fans and professionals had the opportunity to show and sell their work, what we call the Photographic Market.
We also introduce another novelty. The “Silver Needle”, with which we intend to recognize and pay tribute to one of the photographers we admire. On this first occasion it went to Josep Maria Ribas Prous.
This year’s image was a photograph of our admired Quinn Jacobson, who was with us in the first edition.
Manel Armengol, Terrae. Manel Armengol, Viatge en Blau. Soren Berenguer, Barcelona Vertical. Joana Biarnés, Beatles 1965. Javier Broto, Tres pies y medio, 1141 m. Joan Buch, 4”x5”. Andreu Buenafuente, New Orleans. Paulo Casal, La Antàrtida, pinholes del fin del mundo. Estela de Castro, Fotógrafos. Expo col.lectiva de Català-Roca, Interferències.Peter Eleveld, When Analogue meets Digital.Andrei Farcasanu, Mis propios animales. Pere Formiguera,Amic i companys. Fotografías pinhole (91 fotógrafos), Obscura book. Fotolateras, Urban Tattoo. La ciudad te habla. Claudia Frontino, Realitats paralel·les en Red Scale. Leire Galarza, Sombras ambiguas. Gasteiz Atelier, Políptico. Zilvinas Glusinskas, Photograffiti. Sergio Grispello, L’amico Fritz. Jesús Joglar, Vilassar entre solsticios. Zaida Kersten, My White Desert. Alek Levasgani, Mujeres. Faustí Llucià, Intalación Senderos. London Photography Collective, Cianotipia más grande del mundo. Eva Lorente, Territoris en Prússia. José Manuel Madrona, Myopia.José Manuel Magano i A.L.Lozano, Erotomania. Erin Mahoney, Another me. Conchi Martinez, Paisajes de mi memória. Alma Mejias, Socarrat. Patricio Michelin, Desert Landscapes. Lola Montserrat, Ànima 2.o. Insectari. Julián Ochoa, El tercer ojo. José Manuel Pedrajas, Torre Miranda. Toni Planells, Latas de luz y tiempo. Joan Porredon, Cardadores de lana. Lluc Queralt, Oscil·lant. Oscar Reina, 1.63. Kati Riquelme, La vejez de Narciso. Nacho Rivera, Slaves. Narcís Rovira y Pepe Buitrago, Holografia. La fotografía multidimensional. Serraclara (Col·lecció Joan Sala), Una mirada al Cabrils de 1890. Gladis Sevilla, Lumens. Silverheart, Moda en Colodión. Ana Tornel, Sarthe, metamorfosis de un valle. Carles Ventós, Urban Show. Blanca Viñas, En tierra de nadie. Maciej Lukasz Zapior, Una cita con el tiempo.
You can download the programme here.