Group Exhibition
Revela’t Residency 2023
< Exhibitions
This collective exhibition is the result of the projects that have been developed by the participants in the 2023 Photography Creation and Experimentation Residency.
The eight artists selected to participate in this residency work with analog techniques and chemical processes, and have gathered at the Revela’t Festival to create and develop their projects individually or collectively over the course of a week, at the heart of the festival.
Throughout the rest of the year and accompanied by the residency tutors, Laura Aubrée and Vareila Mairanga, they have worked on this project with their eight proposals, which they showcase at the 2024 Revela’t Festival.

The artists who have been part of the 2023 Creation and Experimentation Residency are:
Alexandre Folgoso @negralente
Thomas Jenkins @tominfurs
Andrej Lamut @llaammuutt
Julee Pinto @juleepinto
Santiago Martínez @santi_gringo
Andie Riekstina @andieriekstina
Javier Talavera @javier.talavera_
Ria Wank @ria.wank
Laura Aubree @aubreelaura
Vareila Mairanga @vareil.a