Photographic Market

Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, May 26th

The Revela’t Market has become an essential event in the current photographic panorama, especially for lovers of the analog.

It will take place, as in these past editions, in the Plaza de la Vila, in the central nucleus of the municipality, which coincides with the route of the exhibitions and, therefore, will be very crowded.

This year will gather 19 tents brands, manufacturers and sellers of photographic material, there will also be a part dedicated to the Photobook 16 publishers, self-publishers and sellers of photobooks and fancines. And as always, another part dedicated to sellers of personal photographic work, in this case totally analog and another part dedicated to Handmade, objects made from analogue material.

If you have a product to sell, a brand to promote, or some photographic material to show and you are interested in doing so in our Trade Fair, contact us through and we will inform you how.

The market hours will be from 10h to 21h continuously.

Commercial market

At the Commercial Market you will find the best photographic product stores, leaders in the analog photographic industry at European level. Come and fall in love with your new camera, find that accessory you’ve been looking for, fill your pockets with film at affordable prices and discover rarities you didn’t even know existed!

Photobook market

Last year we premiered with a day dedicated solely to the photobook format, the Photobook Day by Mireia Alises, founder and editor of Photo Art Books. After the success of this day, we have incorporated it into our Main Weekend. Come and discover self-publishers, publishers and photobook presentations that will not leave you indifferent!

Own photographic work / Handmade

As every year, there is also a place for authors who work only in analog and previously selected, to sell their photographic work directly to interested people. A good opportunity to start or to increase your photography collection.

We also receive interesting proposals from artists who base their work on the creation of products related to photography: here you will find totebags printed with cyanotypes, vegan straps for your cameras, collages, prints and other author’s works to decorate your favorite space… and much more!

Plano Plaza de la Vila


1 Foto R3, 2 Antique Cameras, 3 Visual Korner, 4 Amigou Lab, 5 Ran-el Cabrera, 6 36 instants, 7 Fotocarrete, 8 Toby Whitfeld, 9 Pasquier Michele, 10 Fotosaurio, 11 Sales de Plata + Ropa tendida, 12 Carmencita FotoLab, 13/14 Wonder Photo Shop, 15 Enric Vilella, 16 Rainworld Archive, 17 Sagrada Película, 18 Cameras et Voilà


Artèria, Can Grapes, Umedo Colectivo, Ediciones Posibles, Editorial Blume, La Mirada Creadora, Xavi Carrión i Jaume Parera, Valentina Lovera.

Venda d’obra analògica i Handmade

La conformista, Carmen Meza, Viktor Kostenko, Roberto Ruiz de Zafra, Piano Piano fotografia (Verònica Menichini), Francisca Parada Burgos, Blu Tròpik, IEFC.

You have more questions? Contact us at

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