Miguel Ángel Cruzado
El Legado de Luís Raluy
After the death of Luís Raluy, circus director, clown, and mathematician, the Circo Raluy Legacy continues its journey, preserving the essence of the classic circus. In their city, Castellón, a photographic project emerges that intertwines the aesthetic of 20th-century circus with 19th-century photography. Recognized for their devotion to circus tradition, led by Luís Raluy’s daughters, the circus carefully preserves and restores its century-old wagons.
The photographic project, created using the ancient technique of wet plate collodion, captures everything from the tent setup to intimate portraits, reviving childhood memories and connecting with the past of this deeply rooted circus tradition that has persisted for more than six generations. The photographer’s artistic vision becomes a witness to a world where classic circus craftsmanship endures, generating timeless images that capture the essence of this tradition.

Miguel Ángel Cruzado (Castellón de la Plana, Castellón)
Since childhood, he immersed himself in the captivating world of photography, guided by his father, Manuel Cruzado Cazador. He began his professional career in industrial and advertising photography, later adding social and travel photography to his repertoire.
He explored various formats, from 35mm to medium format, and eventually transitioned to digital photography before focusing on wet plate collodion in his personal projects. He has participated in courses with prominent professionals and has been recognized with several Lux awards from AFPE in different categories, such as Gold in Architecture and Interior Design (2019).
His work has been exhibited on numerous occasions, with highlights including the “Enmedio 101” exhibition at the Sala San Miguel of the Fundació Caixa Castelló in Castellón de la Plana (2019). Additionally, he has been recognized for significant projects such as El legado de Luis Raluy and Objetos familiares: una mirada al pasado (AFPE 2023).