Manuel Outumuro

Room Sweet Room
Hotel Sorli Emocions

Real or fictional rooms, whose only identity is to possess a number different from the previous and the later, shelter a series of women-all sisters of Edward Hopper’s women-immersed in an apparent solitude.

A caption, which could define this small collection of photography extracted from the archive of Manuel Outumuro and shot over the last few years for different entities and publications.

Blanca Berlin

Manuel Outumuro (1949, Orense) was born in Galicia and grew up in Barcelona.

He graduated from Massana School from the department of graphic design. He worked as a graphic designer and art director in different publications. In the late seventies, he moved his residence to New York. He shot his first session, accidentally, at the age of 40, and that’s when he decided to change typography to photography.

In 1990, back in Barcelona, Outumuro became an essential chronicler of the Top Models era.  He collaborated with the main women’s newspapers, making numerous portraits and fashion publishers. He has published seven books. “The Book of Portraits” is his last one, edited by The Factory. Ten of his individual exhibitions were exhibited in different institutions and museums.

His snapshots, all commissioned, have become part of different private collections such as the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.

He has won several national and international awards that recognize his long and fruitful career, with the most recent one being the 2022 Lucie Award (Achievement in Fashion Photography).


Curated by Imma Cortés of Photographic Social Vision

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