Carma Casulá

Piel Ibérica y TransEuropeas
Cal Garbat, S4

Piel Ibérica forms a mosaic that addresses the transformation and manipulation of the landscape by human factors, along with the six national radial roads that make up the basic communication network of the Spanish State. The main axes cross its geography as an imaginary and functional star with routes leaving from Madrid joining Irún through the N-I, La Junquera by the N-II, Valencia by the N-III, Cadiz by the N-IV, Elvas by the N-V and La Coruña by the N-VI.

With the entry of the Spanish State into the EU, the integration of markets, the internationalization of the economy and the political and economic construction of Europe become factors shaping a transport system of continental scale. New objectives designed in the Maastricht Treaty (1992) as strategic TransEuropeans networks for the strengthening of economic and social cohesion, with North-South, East-West and intermediate routes.

Carma Casulá (born 1967, Barcelona) is an artist and freelance photographer with a PhD in Fine Arts from the UCM, and higher studies in Photography at the IED Milano, which she further expanded at the ICP in New York.

She combines artistic projects focused on the anthropization of the landscape and its imprint on the individual, with documentary projects. She participates in cultural projects and exhibitions with photography and installations in Spain, Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Russia, Costa Rica, and the USA, as well as itinerant projects in Cultural Centers of Spain AECID in Latin America.

She also works as an author for institutions, companies, and publishing media. Since 2007, she has been a university professor of Photography, offering workshops and presenting papers on Photography and Landscape. As a researcher in interdisciplinary R&D&I teams, she works on Art, Ecology, Empathy, and Recovery Strategies of Degraded Territories.

She has received several scholarships and recognitions, such as the FotoPres Fundació La Caixa Scholarship and the Scholarship of the College of Spain in Paris. She has been included in the “Dictionary of Spanish Photographers. From the 19th to the 21st century,” edited by La Fábrica and AC/E Acción Cultural Española.


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