CO Fascination

Workshop with CristianO Weigang

Friday, May 24th

Explore the magic of the camera obscura through the process in CO Fascination. Instant images (almost always…) outdoors. Unique positives and/or negatives on paper and/or film. You decide. It’s up to you.

Join, stroll, find a location, feel the light or use the light meter, mount the camera on the tripod or avoid it, expose, check light conditions while exposing, develop on-site, enjoy.

An idea emerging? Next, please! Let’s work with joy and empathy. All questions are welcome. No limits.

Main purpose: Feel the magic of photography. Pure, wild, untamed.



ChristianO Weigang

Christian delved into photography in 1980. He focused on the camera obscura since 2006. Research and development, as well as the construction of CO cameras of all formats, began in 2010. A decade later, the impressive and clever formula for obtaining maximum image quality was found. Numerous applications followed. Covered by television, print magazines, special interest titles, and more. Member of Entwicklungsprozess e.V., Studio 95, and anaLoge. Photography © Oliver Pera  


Language: English

Cal Garbat Factory, Carrer Balears, 12, 08339 Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona

Friday, May 24th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

The price is 25€

Available in the LithPrinting + CO Fascination Pack. Purchase it at checkout.

Only 8 spots available

*Lunch not included.


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