Photowalk Ricoh GR with Jota Barros

Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 of June

What will we do in the Photowalk?
We will wander around Vilassar de Dalt aimlessly and with an attentive eye, looking for those small details that, taken to a photograph, show the beauty of everyday life. You will have my supervision at all times, and you will have the opportunity to clarify any doubts, both technical and compositional. You will have absolute freedom to follow a proposed route in which I will accompany you to find your own pace to photograph if that is what you prefer.
Jota Barros was born in A Gudiña, a small town in Galicia, in 1976, he studied Physics and worked in different jobs in very different sectors before betting everything on teaching photography. He is behind the blog and the podcast “Calle Oscura” and is the founder of “El Club de Fotografía Callejera”, a truly global community around street photography.

Time Schedule

The photowalk lasts 3h30 and ends with a beer in the courtyard of the factory Cal Garbat.
You have two opportunities to live this experience, you can sign up for the one that suits you best:


  • Photowalk Saturday June 10: from 10h to 13h30.
  • Photowalk Sunday June 11: from 10h to 13h30.

Who can join it ? 

Anyone who wants to have a great time, take good pictures, learn a lot and walk… a little bit too 😉
*Limited to 10 places/day
Workshop requirements
You will need to bring your own camera (digital or analog). *If you prefer you can also try with one of the Ricoh GR cameras that will be at your disposal during the Photowalk.


    60 including:
    • Photowalk workshop with Jota Barros
    • Free entrance to the exhibitions and conferences
    • Final beer in the courtyard of the factory

    You have some questions ? Contact us

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