Brief history of Revela’t
This year we celebrate the eleventh edition of Revela’t festival, an achievement that we attribute to all those who have supported us and pushed us to continue this great adventure. In these years, we have learned a lot, dedicated ourselves to growing the festival with passion, and formed wonderful relationships with people from all over the world.
Organizing the festival requires a lot of effort and also overcoming challenges, such as low funding. Despite the increasing revenue year-on-year, we still rely heavily on grants and sponsorships, which are increasingly difficult to come by due to demanding requirements. Furthermore, finding business support for cultural patronage is still a challenge, despite initiatives to raise awareness of its benefits. In short, although we have been successful in growing the festival, there are still challenges to overcome. We hope that in the future, institutions, and the business world will value more the importance of supporting culture.
The festival is organized by a small non-profit association, and despite the difficulties, with our commitment we have managed to reach the eleventh edition. However, the financing of culture remains uncertain, which is why we are sometimes forced to resort to solutions such as a credit policy or even put money out of our own pocket.
For this reason, we make a call to those who faithfully attend the Revela’t festival to become Friends of the festival, with a small contribution that will give them access to tickets and other benefits during the festival and throughout the year. It is a way to commit and contribute, in a romantic and practical way, to celebrate many more years of the Revela’t festival.

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