Revela’t 2017: Hidden
For the image of this edition we selected this photograph of Jordi Gual, a girl with her back turned very well connected with the proposed motto, Hidden, on which all the exhibitions revolved.
Hidden (invisible, secret) what is not seen at first sight, what is very distant to us in distance or in feeling, what is not wanted to see, what is or has been taboo, what is concealed, concealed, secret… We look for lost paradises, secret languages, angels that are demons and demons that pose as angels, the wild side of the most innocent…
This time the “Distintivo de Plata” went to Eduardo Momeñe.
Three exhibitions could be seen in two galleries in Barcelona, Valid Foto BCN and Fifty Dots, which was the germ of what the following year we called Revela’t OFF.
Albarrán & Cabrera,This is you. Manel Armengol, Herbarium. Laurie Baggett, Stenoscopes. Diego Ballestrasse, La cuarta pared. Cristobal Benavente, Blanco Roto. Martin Brandau, VISA ME. Pepe Buitrago& & Narcis Rovira, Reflexiones. Lorena Capdevila, Galería imaginaria. Maite Caramés, Tour est possible. Daniel Casares, Papel de Plata. Estela de Castro, Zoocosis. Milagros Caturla / Tom Sponheim, Las fotos perdidas de BCN. Enrique Escandell, Tres Perros y San Cristóbal. Jordi Esteva, Socotra, la isla de los genios. Franz Falckenhaus, But who or wat. Alfonso Fornes, Paisajes emocionales. Dani G. Sarabia, Más allá del bosque. Juan G. Fornés, Retrato genealógico compuesto. Gilbert Garcin, Mr. G. Àlvaro Gómez-Pidal, A Limbo for the youth. Xavier Gómez, Un día en el Revela-T. Taichi Gondaria, Selectes Work. Peter de Graff, Half way to low tide Amaia Hodge, Historias incompletas. Giulia Iacolutti, Jannah. Markus Kaesler & Jesús Joglar, Retratos del textil. Tomasz Kowalczyk, Zdjet. Josep Mª de Llobert, Blank. Steve Lovegrove, Hidden Within. Eduardo Momeñe, Las fotografias de Burton Norton. Santos Montes, Las olas no preguntan. Alfonso Moral, Cero. Montse Morcate, F_MIL_ALB_M. Núria Oreja, La piel del agua. Jorge Otero, Escenografías indefinidas. Max Pam & Bernard Plossu, Pam/Plossu. Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, Fotografía Post Mortem. Jesse Oaks, Tomorrow yes? Kazuma Obara, 30. Juanan Requena, Al borde de toda emoción. Eduardo Ripoll, Paradiso. Alberto Ros, Hidden humanity. Camilo Sabogal, El lado oscuro de la luz. Tagomago Collectors Project, We are back. Munemasa Takahashi, Losat & Found. Various artists, Artistic Exchange Project. Wara Vargas, La vida de los ángeles. Pierre van de Vliert, Ipsety. Manabu Yanamaka, Gyahtei.
You can download the programme here.