Revela’t 2014: The second edition

2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 20192018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013

Just after celebrating the first edition, we began to receive emails congratulating us on the initiative and encouraging us to celebrate a second edition. Many of those emails told us what we already sensed, that there were many people who were waiting for an event like this, that they felt isolated and that this was a good way to get to know each other and bet on what we like.

We like to think that we have put even a small grain of sand for the new boom in analog photography.

There is no type of nostalgia in claiming a different way of doing things, with a philosophy and tempos that allow us to have different sensations.

Thanks to the presence of many photographers who were already emerging, we had 20 exhibitions and another 30 micro-exhibitions in shops in the municipality.

We had the surprise visit of many great photographers and some other media personality, which motivated us for a third edition that would be even more powerful.


In this second edition the word spread and we had many requests to exhibit works. We take advantage of spaces such as the building where the current library is located, which was still under construction. And we also had 30 smaller exhibitions in shops in the municipality.

Andrei Farcasanu, Mindscapes. Berta Vicente, Retratos. Ca l’Isidret edicions (Aleix Plademunt, Roger Guaus y Juan Diego Valera), Movimientos del suelo. Colección Valid Foto BCN y Tagomago, Piezas selectas. Colectivo Hablando en Plata, Exposición Hablando en Plata III. Daniel SamannsPortraits (Wet Plate collodion). Daniel S. Àlvarez, Álbum. Ignasi López, Vacaciones Sport Places. Josep Maria Ribas Prous, En elogio al «Arte Povera fotográfico. Josep Guiolà, Foto- síntesis , abstracciones y expresiones. Lea Tyrallová, ´Ja – Ty – My – Oni´. Lola Montserrat, Zoo’z. Montse López,  ÍtacaPaola de Grenet, A dog’s life. Ramón Casanova & Jorge Egea LuminografíasRomán Yñán, Series Familiares. Salva López, Roig 26. Salvi Danés, Blackcelona. Xose Gago, un alquimista de la fotografía.


This was a beautiful initiative that involved 30 artists and 30 businesses.

Alek Levasgani Roser selecció de carns; Alek Levasgani Nuova perruqueria unisex; Sónsoles Martín Perruqueria Ca l’Alfaro; Rita Puig-Serra Foto-Optica; José M. Magano Finques Miralles; Alice Zaccaria Patric perruqueria masculina; Clara Cortés Piella estètica; Frederic Navarro Pastisseria Joan; Antonio Villar Electrodomèstics i Regals Imma Baylach; Claudia Cebrián Matilde Regals i Joies; Ivan Caponio Ma&Do; Luís Rabanal Pastisseria Maria Teresa; José Manuel Madrona Roba infantil i juvenil Chic’s; Oriol Mas Boutique Bianca; Aran Rodríguez Trendy Imatge perruqueria unisexDiego Pérez El Vestidor de l’Espe; Isabel Val Perfumeria L’Aromer; Las chicas de Talbot L’Artemisa; Paula Arbeola Merceria Nuri; José Manuel Madrona Llaminadures Dolçaina; Antoine Khidichian Peixateria Guinot; Lluís Rabanal Pastisseria Forn Can Cros; Dani Amorós Farmàcia de Dalt; Mario Bonardo Flors Pujol.



You can download the programme here.

All the sponsors With the support of: