Refocus Your Present. Photography and Mindfulness​

Taller con Nacho Rivera

Jueves 23 de mayo

Nowadays, attention has become our most precious asset. Throughout the day, distractions take over our time, energy, and creativity. To counter this inertia, training attention is essential, and for this, photography is a very powerful tool, as it demands full concentration: we can only photograph here and now. Analyzing the intimate relationship between photography and mindfulness, and with a purely practical approach, this workshop invites you to work on your personal photographic gaze, to discover new creative possibilities, and to explore different creation strategies. It also proposes to reflect on the purpose of our images, to seek meaning in our work and thus better understand our way of seeing. At the end of the workshop, students will have new tools to mature and better interpret their personal gaze, cultivate attention, and enjoy the photographic act with creative intent.  

Nacho Rivera

He is a documentary photographer based in London. With a serene and artistic approach, Nacho’s photography delights in the details, highlighting the subtle and unexpected. His images invite reflection, with a marked interest in narrative. As a photography teacher and mentor, he has shared his knowledge and experience in schools such as Lycée Français Charles De Gaulle and Kings College in London, and his photographs have been published in numerous media outlets. Currently, he teaches photography workshops and mentorships online and in person in London and Spain. Parallel to his commercial and teaching work, Nacho Rivera develops personal photographic projects with a marked humanistic perspective. “Photography helps me understand the world, and myself, from a humanistic perspective. I am interested in the concept of connection: between people, our environment, and ourselves. I am concerned that modern society is becoming more individualistic, polarized, and superficial. In response, my curiosity about cultures leads me to explore the subtle links between them, raising questions about values such as empathy, respect, and spirituality. For my personal projects, I choose to work with black and white film. Using analogue cameras forces me to photograph more slowly and attentively, allowing me to establish more intimate connections with the people and spaces I photograph.” -Nacho Rivera


Language: Spanish / Catalan

Museu Arxiu Municipal, Carrer Marqués de Barbarà, 9, Vilassar de Dalt

Thursday, May 23rd, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

The price is 110€

Available in the Nacho Rivera + Eduardo Momeñe + Estela de Castro Pack, which includes this workshop along with “The Portrait and Other Photographs” and “About the Portrait”. Purchase it at checkout.

*Lunch not included



10:00 am – 2:00 pm: Welcome and introductions. Introduction: connections between mindfulness and photography. Practice of attention. The pleasure of looking. Inspiration and poetry in everyday life. Analysis of photographic works by different authors and their interests. Photographic practice: reflection and purpose.

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Lunch break and relaxed chat.

4:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Distractions and their consequences in the creative process. Practice of attention. Connection with our environment and people through observation and photographic action. Photographic practice with teacher support. Creation of habits. Ideas for projects.

Questions and conclusions.

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