Revela’t 2021: Own universes
In 2021, the theme was Own Universes, in such an unusual year we have learned to value (more) certain things that perhaps we had forgotten, time has acquired a new dimension and we have possibly used it to do what it always demanded a better time, we may have even become more creative than before… But above all, we have learned that culture and art are the food of our soul.
For this reason, in this 2021 edition we focus on showing works, perhaps more personal, more introspective, author’s work, philias or phobias, obsessions that we have not stopped doing repeatedly (like taking pictures) and that we have finally realized that defines us, that shows ourown universe.
In 2021 a total of 64 exhibitions were exhibited, of which 38 could be seen in Vilassar de Dalt. The tribute went to Isabel Muñoz, PHotoESpaña award.
Laura Aubrée, Regnum Nautarae. Marc Àvila, Homo et Natura. Leonor Benito de la Lastra, Naturaleza no recuperable // Cuerpo. Susana Blasco,Fugaces. Montse Campins, El ritme dels dies. Mercedes Cosano, Emersión. Florence Cuschieri, Exodus. Bruno Daureo, Apo. Margarito dela Guetto, Pieles turbias. Max Donoso, Mar negra. Fernando Flores Huecas,Serendipias / Jardín de arena. Ai Futaki, Co – exist. George Georgiou, American Parade Paco Gómez,Wattebled Ricardo Guixà Frutos, Melothesia. Ralf Jacobs, Laser chaos cyanotypes. Miho Kajioka, So it goes. Valentina Kalinger, Al Oeste está el Sol. Alex Llovet & Josep Mª de Llobet, Epistolario. Verónica Losantos, Archaia. Eri Makita, Mañanas de verano. Santos Montes, Mata Hari. Ricardo Montesdeoca, África. Isabel Muñoz, Somos Agua. Sina Niemeyer,Ignoscentia. Sohei Nishino, Diorama Map. Laura Pannack,Island Symmetries. Lucia Peluffo, Une Tentative d’équilibre. Kati Riquelme, Casi todo es azul. Aleydis Rispa, MINIM Jan Schlegel,Creature of the seven seas. Giorgi Shengelia, Transfiguration or 17 On. Irmina Anna Walczak, Oasis: In Our Quarantine Yard. Ilan Wolff, “Camera Obscura “. La GayaReta, Lunaris. Alumnos taller Joan Teixidor & Manuel Serra& IEFC, Vots argèntics, Film Shutter Collective Ekphrastic Magic, Magic Club BCN 3D Univers 3D.
Expositions OFF. In more than 26 cities
BCN: Enric Curto Anima Mundi (Visual Korner), Raúl Hidalgo Plasencia Desde el silencio (Centre cívic Casa Golferichs), Lucie Hodiesne Lilou (Atelier Güell Art Space), Jaume Muñoz En un altre món (Projekteria Art Gallery), Lluís Ripoll Instants viscuts (Galeria Il Mondo), Alisa Sibirskaya Debut (Galeria Valid FotoBCN), Joan Teixidor Vores (Centre Artístic Sant Lluc), Lluis Tudela Ulls de Musol (Centre cívic Can Basté) , Maria Vernet Trilogía en Cianotípia (CC Pati Llimona), Henri Verreet The Union Fenosa Building. (IEFC), y Michael Wagener Recuerdos combinados (RED03 Art Gallery).
VIC: Pili Concellón Travessia (Biblioteca Joan Triadú, Espai J. Romeu) Manel Esclusa Ombra del paisatge/Lluna d’aigua/L’arbre (ACVIC), Manel Esclusa Jardí d’humus (Escola d’Arts i oficis Claustre), Manel Esclusa Manel Esclusa 1973/2021 (Museu Art de la Pell) Manel Esclusa Vinc de Vic (Temple Romà), Tino Soriano CurArte (Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya), Lluís Estopiñan Memory Gap (Galeria Fotogràfica Tres-E-U), Joaquín Melero Tchernòbil (Galeria Fotofília), y La Farinera de Vic Del dibuix al móvil (Farinera de Vic).
OTHER CITIES: Frank Lassak Dream control/When Freedom Ends (Pl. Santa Ana, Mataró), Diane Meyer Berlín (Ajuntament, Premià de Mar), Rodrigo Flechoso Genealogia (La Bòbila, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), Edra Galzeran Immram (Museu de la Mediterrània, Torruella de Montgrí), Gianluca Mastrocinque Liminare (Sala La Polaroid, Cadiz), Joaquín Melero A fuego lento (Sala M. de Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz).
You can download the programme here.