Jean-Marc Caimi & Valentina Piccinni

Umana Natura
Cal Garbat, S3

There are connections between all forms of life that allow us to perceive the synchrony and diachrony between the life paths of the animal, human, and plant worlds. There are timelines that, although they follow cycles of different durations, come together in the dimension of the present. While the increasingly evident consequences of climate change are altering the balance of the planet, we travel to a still pristine region and witness the incredible natural resilience. This research triggers a short circuit between the seemingly perpetual existence of ancestral nature and the transience of human beings, inviting reflection on the perception of change, birth, mutation, and death.

Caimi & Piccinni have constructed their visual research in the form of diptychs, to invite the observer to question the connections and contrasts between the microcosms that inhabit nature, focusing on a unique territory in Europe, Umbria, known for its biodiversity and specific climatic conditions. A hard and pure land that reveals pristine forests and centenarian human beings, where time seems to have its deepest roots and it is possible to perceive the original balance now rare. Where “nothing comes from nothing” and the echoes of ancestors still resonate.

Focusing on simple existences and documenting these microcosms is an instrument to create awareness of a different way of conceiving growth and development, opening the way to reflection on new perspectives for building the future.

Blanca Berlin

Jean-Marc Caimi (Paris, 1966) and Valentina Piccinni (Bari, 1982) have been collaborating since 2013 on documentary and personal photography projects.

They focus on contemporary issues, with special attention to the human aspects of each story.

Their work appears regularly in press and media around the world: the Guardian, Die Zeit, Financial Times, Geo, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, Libération, Vogue, Internazionale, Wired, GQ, Newsweek, The Sunday Times and others.

They are recipients of several awards, such as the Planches Contact+Photo4Food, the ISPA Award, the Sistema Festival Reset Award, the PHmuseum Of Humanity Grant, the Sony World Photography Award, the Istanbul Photography Book Award, the Gomma Grant.

Their works have been exhibited all over Europe and Asia in galleries and festivals: Biennale Für Aktuelle Fotografie, Delhi Photo Festival, Lumix Festival, International Month of Photojournalism, Sì Fest, Phest, Voies Off and others.

They have published six books, of which “Fastidiosa” (for Overlapse) and “En Présence De L’Absence” (for Éditions Bessard) are the most recent. Previously, they published the trilogy on cities in transition, which includes “Güle Güle” about Istanbul, “Forcella” focused on Naples, and “RHOME”, which was a finalist in PHotoESPAÑA Best Photobook of the Year 2019. “Güle Güle” received a special mention in Kassel Dummy Book Award 2019, was a finalist in Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award in Arles and was selected in Arles Author Book Award 2020 and Prix Nadar 2020.


With the collaboration of Impressionart and Photo Città della Pieve

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